Bookish Things I’m looking forward to in the month of June! 

So it’s June already and this country girl (this term is used very loosely ofcourse! 😂😂) is getting very excited about events happening this month. Firstly, tonight I’m actually going to sit infront of REAL PEOPLE and talk about the passion that has taken over my life which is book blogging. So if anyone local to the Knutsford area fancies popping along to meet a lovely, friendly group of bookish people then just let me know! 

But the thing I’m probably the most excited about is that I’m off to London on 10th June to attend the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards! I have been wanting to attend this event since I saw all the fabulous pics of all my blogger buddies last year as it looked such good fun! Last year I had only been blogging for a few months and was very honoured to have been nominated for Best Newcomer. This year I was stunned to have been nominated once again but this time in five categories instead of one. Due to fairness and making sure a variety of bloggers are celebrated at the awards I can only be voted for in one category and that is for the Hidden Gem Blogger which I feel this fits my blog perfectly. I’m not great with self promotion (I’m much happier promoting all my fabulous blogger friends, authors and their books) as I’m usually just very happy to take a backseat and hide myself away from the big bad world with a book, some nice Earl Grey tea and a Twirl (or piles of Marmite on toast!!) So it’s a big thing to me to be heading down to London for the day and I can’t wait to meet old friends and hopefully make some new ones too!

Voting closes tomorrow 2nd June at 12pm and I would love it if you wanted to take a moment out of your busy day to vote for My Chestnut Reading Tree or any of the other fabulous blogs nominated. These bloggers all work extremely hard so it’s time to celebrate them!!

The criteria is: Which blog doesn’t get the notoriety they deserve? Maybe you stumbled on them by chance, and discovered a minefield of information. Maybe they make you smile or have such an original style you can’t help but go back.
Who would you like to have the limelight for a change? This is the award for them.

You can vote HERE and good luck to everyone nominated.

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I am a Norfolk girl living in leafy Cheshire with my grumpy Scotsman. A mum and nana who lives for my family but who is also addicted to reading (and Marmite!) I will read almost anything but my preferred genres to review are psychological thrillers, crime procedural novels or women's fiction. My kindle is my life but I also have a substantial bookshelf in my cosy reading room where I can go to escape the stresses of family life with plenty of tea and chocolate. I am a member of netgalley and bookbridg. I review on Amazon, where I'm a Top 500 reviewer, and Goodreads. You can always find me over on Twitter @jocatrobertson for any review requests.

20 thoughts on “Bookish Things I’m looking forward to in the month of June! ”

      1. You will knock ’em out tonight! Seriously, enjoy – I’m sure once you get started you will be absolutely fine 😚

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Mairead! Wish you were coming too! I’ve got my friend Alexina to come as well now so I’m probably more excited about seeing her for the first time since March than anything else! Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Good luck hope you win. Wish I was nominated, but I expect I can dream on forever. Can you update on your post the winners?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you that’s lovely of you to say so. I was so shocked and honoured to be nominated but I know I have absolutely no chance of coming anywhere near winning! I will do a blog post after the event to update everyone on the winners and the people I meet which is what I am more nervous and excited about 😊


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